Education & Engagement
CAZA connects people to nature through education
Education is a powerful tool for driving positive ecological change. CAZA is proud to support and recognize Canadian zoos and aquariums that demonstrate a commitment to biodiversity preservation and meet our rigorous standards for excellence in both education and community engagement.
Accredited institutions promote empathy towards wildlife, inspire environmental literacy, and address critical challenges facing species at risk. They direct people’s attention to the interconnectedness between humans and animals and the impact that human activities have on Earth’s biodiversity.
CAZA Standards and Policies for Educational Programming
Our accreditation process ensures that institutions demonstrate excellence when designing, facilitating, and evaluating educational programs.
Within CAZA-accredited institutions, education departments are led by qualified, paid staff with the necessary expertise to ensure that a strong theoretical foundation informs design, delivery, and evaluation. Programs are thoughtfully tailored to meet the needs and interests of the communities they serve and are shaped by each institutions’ written education plan.

Accredited organizations are committed to creating inclusive and financially accessible programs, and they formally evaluate their educational activities and outcomes to ensure continuous improvement and meaningful impact. Where animal ambassadors are part of the education experience, animal welfare is a top priority and must be supported by a clear and well-implemented animal ambassador policy.
Accredited organizations are committed to professional development and CAZA educators are trusted resources for environmental learning in their respective communities. Our institutions maintain partnerships with community groups, schools, universities, conservation organizations, and government agencies. It is our belief that such partnerships strengthen efforts to provide impactful programs across Canada.
The CAZA Education Committee (CEC):
The CAZA Education Committee is a standing committee of the CAZA National Office. The role of the CEC is to assist CAZA National in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities related to strategic planning and capacity building for education. This committee acts as a resource for CAZA educators and works with external organizations to expand the reach, impact, or measurement of CAZA’s education efforts.
Every Action Nurtures a Sustainable Future for All:
Research concerned with visitors, employees, students, or educational programs can ultimately help to improve the effectiveness of nature based education across zoos and aquariums. In Canada, studies are still needed to further our understanding of visitor experiences and program impact within Canadian Zoos and Aquariums.
If you have questions about educational research, contact our Education Committee.