Board of Directors
Our Board
The Board of Directors is the governing body of CAZA. It consists of nine Board Members and the Executive Director of National Office. The board members are distributed as follows: three (3) Class A members, two (2) Class B, and four (4) Professional Fellow.
Board Positions
The members should be appointed to one of the following positions or committees:
The President must be a Director. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and its Board of Directors and shall be responsible for the proper observance at all times of the Constitution and By-Laws and shall arrange for such meetings as are deemed necessary for the advancement of the objects of the Association.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure that an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements of the Association is kept at all times. The Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare a financial statement for each meeting of the Board, and shall have prepared and audited by a certified accounting firm, the financial statement for presentation to the membership each year at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure the keeping of the minutes of business meetings, and ensure the preservation of the historical material of the Association.
The Vice President must be a Director. The Vice President shall fill the role of President at such times as the President may be unable to fulfill that role. In the event the President’s position becomes permanently vacant it will be refilled in accordance with these by-laws.
The Past President may but need not be a Director. Notwithstanding anything else in these by-laws, the Past President shall be ex-officio the individual who last held the position of President in the Corporation. The Past President shall have such powers and duties as the Board may specify.
*The President shall appoint all committee members and shall be a member of all committees. Notwithstanding this, the President shall not be a member of any committee that has the power to discipline or terminate a member of CAZA and that has an appeal process from such a decision that the President is required to lead.
The CAZA Chief Executive Officer is named by the Board of Directors.
Contact Us
Should you wish to contact our Board of Directors, or have any inquiries, please contact CAZA National Office at [email protected].