Become a Member
Become a CAZA Member!
Become a part of Canada’s leading network of accredited zoos and aquariums by joining CAZA! As a member, you’ll connect with a community dedicated to excellence in animal welfare, conservation, education, and research. CAZA membership unlocks a wealth of exclusive benefits designed to support zoos, aquariums, and professionals who are passionate about wildlife preservation and engaging the public in meaningful conservation efforts. Join us and be a part of a forward-thinking, collaborative community driving positive change for animals and the environment.
Why Join CAZA?
- Accreditation: Gain recognition as an accredited member, demonstrating your commitment to the highest standards of animal welfare and visitor experience.
- Networking: Connect with industry peers, experts, and stakeholders through conferences, workshops, committees and collaborative initiatives.
- Advocacy: Influence policy and advocate for wildlife conservation through CAZA’s government relations efforts.
- Resources: Access exclusive resources, best practices, and educational materials to enhance operational excellence and community engagement.
- Visibility: Showcase your institution or business on CAZA’s platform, gaining exposure and recognition as a leader in the zoological community.
Membership Categories
CAZA offers several membership levels for institutions, individuals, and organizations. All of them offer a combination of services designed specifically to cover each category’s requirements. Please review the eligibility requirements below:
Institutional Memberships
CAZA - Accredited Institutions
CAZA-Accredited Institutions are zoos or aquariums that have proven to adhere to the highest quality standards in animal welfare, and provide excellent service during their exhibitions with qualified staff. Exhibiting, conserving, and researching Canada’s and the world's fauna to educate and contribute to science is their primary focus.
Click here for Accreditation.
Educational Affiliate
Educational Affiliate Membership is designed for certified organizations such as museums, science centers, and similar entities with collections for educational purposes. These collections may include living plants, conservational species, and other non-animal entities.
The animal collection must be maintained throughout the year and from year to year. Animals may be used in offsite educational activities but must reside in the applicant facility for the majority of the year.
An on-site inspection and certification must occur prior to the application being approved. A $250.00 CAZA filing fee is required upon submission of the application. The institution is also required to cover travel, accommodation and other costs associated with the site inspection.
One individual must be identified as the named member.
Application must be submitted by the organization and endorsed by the CEO of CAZA National Office.
Membership Fee: $1,100.00
- CAZA quarterly publication, CAZA Bulletin – provides key highlights on various topics including CAZA Accredited Institutions, CAZA Government Relations (GR), CAZA Committees, CAZA Membership, and global news trends.
- Discounted rates for CAZA members and their spouse/partner at CAZA Annual Conferences, exhibition boots and workshops.
- Eligible to attend the CAZA Annual General Meeting (AGM). Not eligible to vote.
- Access to the CAZA Only Members’ site on the CAZA website – includes CAZA members’ distribution lists, CAZA animal rehoming list, CAZA job postings, CAZA committees’ workplans, CAZA AGM documents, CAZA working groups, CAZA professional development resources, CAZA policies, CAZA GR updates, CAZA Animal welfare goals, CAZA accreditation standards, CAZA Conference presentations, CAZA Animal Management Population Goal and other upcoming projects.
- Eligible to apply to be part of CAZA Education Committee and other CAZA Committees.
- Recognized on CAZA website as a Certified Member.
CAZA Accredited Mentorship Passage (CAMP) Program Membership
The CAMP Program establishes a collaborative agreement between Canada’s Accredited Zoos and Aquariums (CAZA) and prospective facilities or institutions aiming to achieve CAZA institutional membership. The program’s objective is to offer structured mentorship, guiding institutions toward meeting CAZA’s rigorous accreditation standards for three (3) years.
Applications must be submitted by the organization and endorsed by the CEO of the CAZA National Office.
Membership Fee: CAMP membership fees are calculated at 35% of the full institutional membership fee and must be paid within 30 days of enrollment in the first year. Fees are prorated based on the month of enrollment and determined according to the institution’s full-time employee (FTE) count.
- CAZA quarterly publication, CAZA Bulletin – provides key highlights on various topics including CAZA Accredited Institutions, CAZA Government Relations (GR), CAZA Committees, CAZA Membership, and global news trends.
- Discounted rates for CAZA members and their spouse/partner at CAZA Annual Conferences, exhibition boots and workshops.
- Eligible to attend the CAZA Annual General Meeting (AGM). Not eligible to vote.
- Access to the CAZA Only Members’ site on the CAZA website – includes CAZA job postings, CAZA committees’ workplans, CAZA AGM documents, CAZA working groups, CAZA policies, CAZA GR updates, CAZA accreditation standards, CAZA Conference presentations, and other upcoming projects.
- Eligible to apply to be part of CAZA Committees as a supporter.
Individual Memberships
Professional Fellow
Employed full-time in a management capacity by a CAZA accredited Institutional member. Endorsement required from the Institutional Chief Executive Officer and one additional Professional Fellow, or Retired Professional Fellow, or Director Emeritus.
Membership Fee: $150.00
Benefits include:
- Eligible in the election process for CAZA Board of Directors and Officer roles.
- Eligible to participate in CAZA training to be a CAZA inspector on the CAZA accreditation inspection teams.
- Eligible to submit an application to be part of the CAZA Accreditation Commission and/or other CAZA Committees.
- Right to attend the CAZA Annual General Meeting (AGM) and vote.
- CAZA quarterly publication, CAZA Bulletin – provides key highlights on various topics including CAZA Accredited Institutions, CAZA Government Relations (GR), CAZA Committees, CAZA Membership, and global news trends.
- Discounted rates for CAZA members and their spouse/partner at CAZA Annual Conferences and workshops.
- Access to the CAZA Only Members’ site on the CAZA website – includes CAZA members’ distribution lists, animal rehoming list, CAZA job postings, CAZA committees’ workplans, CAZA AGM documents, CAZA working groups, professional development resources, CAZA policies, CAZA GR updates, CAZA Animal welfare goals, CAZA accreditation standards, CAZA Conference presentations, CAZA Conference exhibitors list, CAZA Vendors list, CAZA Animal Management Population Goal and other upcoming projects.
Retired Professional Fellow
Retired Professional Fellow Membership is available to individuals who have been Professional Fellow members in good standing for at least ten years and have made meaningful contributions to CAZA, as determined by the Board of Directors. This membership recognizes individuals who have retired from regular employment due to age or health, following the standard retirement policies of their employer.
Applications may be submitted by the candidate and sponsored by a current CAZA Board of Directors member.
Membership Fee: $25.00
Benefits include:
- Eligible in the election process for CAZA Board of Directors and Officer roles.
- Eligible to participate in CAZA training to be a CAZA inspector on the CAZA accreditation inspection teams.
- Eligible to submit an application to be part of the CAZA Accreditation Commission and/or other CAZA Committees.
- CAZA quarterly publication, CAZA Bulletin – provides key highlights on various topics including CAZA Accredited Institutions, CAZA Government Relations (GR), CAZA Committees, CAZA Membership, and global news trends.
- Discounted rates for CAZA members and their spouse/partner at CAZA Annual Conferences and workshops.
- Eligible to attend the CAZA Annual General Meeting (AGM) and vote.
- Access to the CAZA Only Members’ site on the CAZA website – includes CAZA members’ distribution lists, CAZA job postings, CAZA committees’ workplans, CAZA AGM documents, CAZA working groups, CAZA professional development resources, CAZA policies, CAZA GR updates, CAZA Animal welfare goals, CAZA accreditation standards, CAZA Conference presentations, CAZA Animal Management Population Goal and other upcoming projects.
Professional Affiliate
Dedicated staff within a CAZA-accredited institution who are making a significant impact in non-management roles. This membership provides an affordable way to connect with CAZA and stay informed.
Applications for Professional Affiliate membership must be endorsed by a CAZA Institutional member at the Chief Executive Officer level.
Membership Fee: $100.00
Benefits include:
- CAZA quarterly publication, CAZA Bulletin – provides key highlights on various topics including CAZA Accredited Institutions, CAZA Government Relations (GR), CAZA Committees, CAZA Membership, and global news trends.
- Discounted rates for CAZA members and their spouse/partner at CAZA Annual Conferences and workshops.
- Eligible to attend the CAZA Annual General Meeting (AGM). Not eligible to vote.
- Access to the CAZA Only Members’ site on the CAZA website – includes CAZA members’ distribution lists, CAZA animal rehoming list, CAZA job postings, CAZA committees’ workplans, CAZA AGM documents, CAZA working groups, professional development resources, CAZA policies, GR updates, CAZA Animal welfare goals, CAZA accreditation standards, CAZA Conference presentations, CAZA Animal Management Population Goal and other upcoming projects.
- Eligible to apply to be part of CAZA Committees.
Associate Member
Associate Members are dedicated organization or individual supporters. Associate members hold and manage animals.
* Associate members' application is subject to a detailed review by the CAZA Membership team following specific criteria.
Applications must be endorsed by a combination of (2) CAZA Professional Fellows, a CAZA Board of Director or a CAZA Director Emeritus or CEO of CAZA National Office.
Membership Fee: $300.00
Benefits include:
- CAZA quarterly publication, CAZA Bulletin – provides key highlights on various topics including CAZA Accredited Institutions, CAZA Government Relations (GR), CAZA Committees, CAZA Membership, and global news trends.
- Discounted rates for CAZA members and their spouse/partner at CAZA Annual Conferences and workshops.
- Eligible to attend the CAZA Annual General Meeting (AGM). Not eligible to vote.
- Access to the CAZA Only Members’ site on the CAZA website – includes CAZA job postings, CAZA AGM documents, CAZA working groups, CAZA professional development resources, CAZA policies, CAZA Animal welfare goals, CAZA accreditation standards, CAZA Animal Management Population Goal and other upcoming projects.
- Eligible to apply to be part of CAZA Committees.
Supporting Institutional Affiliate
Supporting Affiliate members are individuals or Institutions that do not hold responsibilities for animal management. This membership provides an affordable way to connect with CAZA and stay informed with key trends happening in the industry.
Applications for Supporting Institutional Affiliate membership must be endorsed by a combination of (2) Professional Fellows, or CAZA Board of Director or CAZA Director Emeritus, ensuring alignment with CAZA’s goals.
Membership Fee: $300.00
Benefits include:
- CAZA quarterly publication, CAZA Bulletin – provides key highlights on various topics including CAZA Accredited Institutions, CAZA Government Relations (GR), CAZA Committees, CAZA Membership, and global news trends.
- Discounted rates for CAZA members and their spouse/partner at CAZA Annual Conferences, exhibition boots and workshops.
- Right to attend the CAZA Annual General Meeting (AGM). Not eligible to vote.
- Access to the CAZA Only Members’ site on the CAZA website – includes CAZA members’ distribution lists, CAZA job postings, CAZA committees’ workplans, CAZA AGM documents, CAZA working groups, CAZA professional development resources, CAZA policies, CAZA GR updates, CAZA Animal welfare goals, CAZA accreditation standards, and other upcoming projects.
Student Membership
Individuals enrolled in high school, college or university.
Must be endorsed by a combination of (2) Professional Fellows, or CAZA Board of Directors member, or CAZA Director Emeritus and CEO CAZA National Office.
Membership Fee: $40.00
Benefits include:
- CAZA quarterly publication, CAZA Bulletin – provides key highlights on various topics including CAZA Accredited Institutions, CAZA Government Relations (GR), CAZA Committees, CAZA Membership, and global news trends.
- Discount rates for part-time and full-time student members to attend CAZA conferences and workshops.
- Eligible to attend the CAZA Annual General Meeting (AGM). Not eligible to vote.
- Access to the CAZA Only Members’ site on the CAZA website – includes CAZA members’ distribution lists, CAZA job postings, CAZA committees’ workplans, AGM documents, CAZA working groups, CAZA professional development resources, CAZA policies, CAZA GR updates, CAZA Animal welfare goals, CAZA accreditation standards, and other upcoming projects.
· Eligible to apply to be part of CAZA Committees as a supporter.
Commercial Membership
Commercial Affiliate
Commercial Affiliate Members are organizations or companies serving the zoo and aquarium profession without animal management responsibilities. One individual must be identified as the named member.
All applications shall first be endorsed by a combination of two (2) Professional Fellows, or a member of CAZA Board of Director or a CAZA Director Emeritus without a direct interest in the applicant’s business.
Membership Fee: $1,250.00
Benefits include:
- CAZA quarterly publication, CAZA Bulletin – provides key highlights on various topics including CAZA Accredited Institutions, CAZA Government Relations (GR), CAZA Committees, CAZA Membership, and global news trends.
- One free ad in each of our quarterly CAZA Bulletin issues
- Recognition as a supporter in the CAZA quarterly publication, CAZA Bulletin.
- Discounted rates for CAZA members and their spouse/partner at CAZA Annual Conferences, exhibition boots and workshops.
- Eligible to attend the CAZA Annual General Meeting (AGM). NOT eligible to vote.
- Access to the CAZA Only Members’ site on the CAZA website – includes CAZA job postings, CAZA committees’ workplans, CAZA AGM documents, CAZA working groups, CAZA professional development resources, CAZA policies, CAZA GR updates, CAZA Animal welfare goals, CAZA accreditation standards, and other upcoming projects.
- Logo and website link on the website page.
Join CAZA Today
Whether you are a zoo, aquarium, educator, conservationist, researcher, or a business, CAZA offers a membership category that aligns with your professional goals and values. Explore our membership options and start your journey towards enhancing animal welfare, conservation efforts, and public education.
Contact Us
Have questions about CAZA membership or need assistance with your application? Contact our membership team at [email protected].
We look forward to welcoming you to CAZA!